Alar Base Reduction Surgery- Reduce Wide Nostrils - ソウルガイドメディカル

If you have been concerned with the shape of your nose, particularly the width of overall nose and its nostrils, this procedure may have the answer to your concern. It can be stressful to have a nose that you feel throws your facial features off, or that just doesn’t sit right on your face.

For a better-quality life and satisfaction with your overall appearance, you may consider an alar reduction, or a nostril reduction, which will allow you to achieve the goal of a nose you are satisfied with. If you have quite big nostrils, that seem to grow even larger when you smile, this is how to get smaller nostrils.

If you have been concerned with the shape of your nose, particularly the width of overall nose and its nostrils, this procedure may have the answer to your concern. It can be stressful to have a nose that you feel throws your facial features off, or that just doesn’t sit right on your face.

For a better-quality life and satisfaction with your overall appearance, you may consider an alar reduction, or a nostril reduction, which will allow you to achieve the goal of a nose you are satisfied with. If you have quite big nostrils, that seem to grow even larger when you smile, this is how to get smaller nostrils.

What is Alar Reduction Surgery?

This procedure targets the base of the nose, or the bottom portion in which your nostrils lie, and aims to shrink the overall size of them for a more refined and harmonic nose.

It can be considered a nostril reduction surgery in simpler terms. You should remember that no matter what, the nostrils do become larger when one smiles. This procedure will not stop that, it will minimize the width of the overall nose though.

Who qualifies to get alar reduction surgery?

Ethnic backgrounds play a large role in the initial shape and size of the nose, with Caucasian background having the most “ideal” measurements, while Asian and African American background often have a wider nasal base of the nose. The diagram below shows the variety of nose shapes that one can have, to help you compare yours and find the exact problem you have with your nose.

If you feel your nose matches these pictures in a way that is too wide, asymmetrical, or unflattering you most likely qualify to get this procedure. A common way to check one’s own nose is to picture an imaginary line running down from the inner corner of the eyes, down to the nostrils. If the base of the nose is wider than the distance between the inside corners of the eyes, then base of the nose is too wide.

How does it work?

This procedure is quite simple, and therefore usually leaves minimal scarring. It is often considered a form of tipplasty as it does alter the shape of the tip of the nose. There are two options for how to approach this procedure, with the main consideration being how complicated the case will be. If you have overly large nostrils, the procedure may be considered more complex.

For a simple procedure the surgery would go as follows;

A small portion of the skin closest to the inner portion of the nose would be removed so that the scar will be mostly invisible. This skin is removed and the nose is sutured together to form the smaller nostrils. This can be done for all kinds of skin, regardless of how thick the skin is, but generally is recommended for those of a thicker skin. Here’s a short clip so you can see how this is done and what results should look like after.

If the procedure is more complicated, this is how it would follow;

This procedure is done on the inside of the nose, so no scarring will be visible. It involves tying the nostrils closer to the inside and base of the nose. This is done by attaching the string to the inside of the nose, then attaching them to the opposite side of the nostrils.

Once the two sides are attached, a knot is tied that brings the outside portion of the nostril closer to the inside of the nose.

Due to the fact that there are no incisions, the recovery time is also significantly less than that of the removal surgery. This should not cause any issues with your breathing as well. The procedure is mostly recommended for those whom have a thin skin type.


This procedure should not be the first procedure you have performed if you are considering more than one form of rhinoplasty. It is much more difficult to add volume to the nostrils than to take away, and often times during other rhinoplasty procedures the shape of the nose is affected afterwards.

Therefore it is recommended that this procedure is not only done last, but to wait until the nose has healed from the previous rhinoplasty procedures, and if you still desire a change in nostril shape it can easily be done afterwards under local anesthesia.

Alar reduction recovery time

Any bruising and swelling should disappear within 24-48 hours for non-incisional surgery, versus 2-3 weeks for incisional surgery. You will have a mixture of dissolvable sutures and non-dissolvable.

You will have to come back into the clinic approximately 7 days after your procedure to remove the non-dissolvable stitching. You may experience some redness near this are until the nose is fully healed 6 months-1 year later.

This can easily be covered with some make-up, but no make-up should be applied until the incision has fully closed.

How much does alar base reduction cost?

Alar base reduction cost in South Korea is considerably less.

On average in the United States the procedure falls around $7,500.

Nostril reduction surgery in Korea costs around $2,000.

The prices are about 1/3 of the prices that can be found globally, and therefore extremely competitive. This may be attributed to the fact that a wider nose is a common feature across the Asian populations and therefore means the procedure is much more readily available and performed more often.

nose surgery in korea

All in all, the procedure can regularly be performed after you have had a rhinoplasty procedure, or it can be performed in combination with your rhinoplasty procedure.

It is quite minimally invasive, and scarring should become invisible over time, if not already invisible from the beginning due to the later treatment option that can be done inside of the nose.

It is still recommended that for this specific procedure you wait until after your previous procedures have healed, as the final shape of the nose may not have the same problems it had beforehand.

If you are unsure about whether your nose is misshapen or if this procedure is right for you, you can easily have a consultation with your doctor asking about it and they will help you find the best treatment plan for you.

You can also do a quick self-check by picturing the imaginary line from the inside corner of the eyes down to the ends of the nose, and if the nose goes past this line – then the nose is technically too wide. Concerns of recovery should also be minimal as the procedure is simple and not painful for patients.

This procedure will allow the nose that you have always wanted to become a reality. It will have the ability to boost your self-esteem and confidence, particularly when you smile.

If this a problem you have been battling with for some time now, it may be the perfect time for you to consider this procedure. In South Korea you will receive the best price, particularly for the quality that will be given. If you are ready, contact us to begin your journey towards a happier you that can smile freely and comfortably.

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